Sunday, October 10, 2010


Following activities have been finalised please send across nominations for activity you would like to take part in... Participating in minimum 1 activity is expected.. It would be really helpful if I can get the nominations by Friday EOD.
  1. Wii Tennis - Singles
  2. Wii Tennis - Mixed doubles
  3. Wii Bowling
  4. Miniature Golf
  5. Scaletrix (Car Racing ) (

Besides the above there would be a cards corner, music & of course food and drinks that you guys would be getting :) Any other suggestion is most welcome and again would be really helpful if share with me early.

NB: Exciting gift awaits the winner of each of the competition.


  1. dear kolly,
    the background is very depressing.
    can we have a more party like background?

  2. also i would like to participate in the following:

    1. wii tenniz- mixed doubles (is there a runners up prize for this?)
    2. scaletrix (if i understand it)
    3. cards (only if we're playing low stakes)
    4. food (to eat)

    do i win a prize for commenting first?

    ps- the template is by someone called sookhee....what an irony....such a dookhee template by sookhee!

  3. Changed the background. Hope you like it..

    Mixed doubles I am presuming You and Moksh :)
    cards & food free for all..scaletrix should be fun...
    Howcome no bowling?

  4. mixed doubles...i thought the finalists would just be u and saikia...i shall pair up with the winning side basis singles performance! :D
